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Representative teams Committee

Cayman Islands Aquatic Sports Association

Representative Teams Committee

The Representative Teams Committee (RTC) is a CIASA committee led by a duly elected director, which deals with matters relating to the representation of the Cayman Islands at international aquatic competitions.

Please refer any queries relating to selection policies and team selections to the Committee email address.

National CCCAN 2022

Terms of Reference

The RTC is advisory only and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors of CIASA regarding the selection and discipline of Representative Team athletes.  Membership on the RTC consists of CIASA members and the Technical Director. However, the RTC also works to make recommendations to the Directors on other potential opportunities for Cayman’s swimmers to represent the country at other events.

The Committee’s Terms of Reference are as follows:

  • Update and maintain list of eligible representative and national team athletes, including maintenance/updating of athlete’s records e.g. immigration status, travel documents etc.;
  • Ensure that CIASA’s standard Representative Team Agreement (RTA) & Waiver of Liability is reviewed at least annually;
  • Ensure that all eligible representative and national team athletes (and, where applicable, their parents/guardians) complete and sign the RTA and waiver on an annual basis;
  • Appropriately document disciplinary issues and take necessary action and/or make recommendations to the Directors regarding same;
  • On advice from the Technical Director, make recommendations to the Directors regarding minimum qualifications (time standards & training requirements) for Junior Team and National Development squad swimmers;
  • On advice from the Technical Director, make recommendations to the Directors regarding year-round on-island training for Junior & National Development swimmers;
  • On advice from the Technical Director, make recommendations to the Directors regarding opportunities for overseas training and competition events;
  • Provide guidance regarding the need for year-round fund development for representative and national events/teams.  Actual Representative Team fundraising activities are coordinated through a Booster Group consisting of parents of representative team swimmers;
  • Arrange and attend regular (e.g. quarterly) meetings with parents; and
  • Regular communications (e.g. emails/newsletter) with representative team and national development group parents.